Wine/Time tonight: MAP JAM

TONIGHT! 7-9pm at Link’s Hall / Constellation, 3111 N. Western Ave…

As a part of the New Economics Institute’s New Economies Week, we will be hosting a jam session to document as many examples of the sharing economy in Chicago as we can collectively muster. So as not to re-invent the wheel, we will be adding to the existing Chicago Solidarity Economy map on Google Maps, and referring to Accelerate 77’s map and others for further inspiration.

The next step will be a discussion about the challenges and strengths that come along with Chicago’s sprawling, character-driven geography. We will break into circles of geographic proximity as well as circles of mutual interest. What can we do to transform the Windy City’s energy of HUSTLE into collaboration and collective benefit regarding…

– Transportation?
– Food?
– Housing?
– Healthcare?

Following in the spirit of Mike’s incredible gumbo last week, there will be food!

Check out / share the facebook event!