Two Juicy Exhibits about Play and Work.


Jami and I met with Heather Radke at the Hull-House Museum today.  Heather curated the exhibit Unfinished Business: The Right to Play exploring “the history of the social movements that created the first playgrounds, fought for an eight-hour workday and suggested that time off from work could create a more just society.”  Um YEAH?!!  There is also a piece on time banking (created with the help of one of the CTX members, Seneca) and Heather is inviting us & the CTX to collaborate on an event this fall.  Go check this OUT!  Look, there is a swing! And hopscotch!  And even more awesomeness all over that museum.  Seriously.


Since we were in the area, Jami and I headed over to Gallery 400 to check out Nice Work if You Can Get It curated by Lorelei Stewart. “Exploring the legacies of industry, immaterial labor, service work, invisible labor and more, the artists featured in the exhibition articulate a variety of responses to the relationships between labor, economy, and politics.”  The poster behind Jami is an interview with a woman in the fashion industry, part of Our Fashion Year, by The Ladydrawers.  Both Jami and I remarked on the idea of “emotional labor” – needing to make customers feel good in their clothes.  In the other picture, we are standing in front of Mary Lum’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor. Those pieces of white and brown paper are fragments of paper bags with the name of the person who oversaw their production at the factory.  This show is only up through August 9th – and it’s juicy. With teeth.  Check it out if you can.